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Peer CEO Tony Tran States The Metaverse Needs an Operating System Everyone Can Understand

Tony Tran, Peer CEO, believes that blockchain requires an operating system. This will allow everyone to understand and use the visual metaphor....
blue and white light in dark room
Photo by Compare Fibre

Tony Tran, Peer CEO, believes that blockchain requires an operating system. This will allow everyone to understand and use the visual metaphor. Understanding the metaverse and understanding its contents is the first step to understanding the metaverse .

The metaverse does not have any rules or guidelines. It is not a destination. It’s not virtual reality, and it’s certainly not a videogame.

Tony Tran, founder and CEO of Peer , said that the metaverse is similar to cyberspace. He also serves as president and CEO of Peer . This startup uses blockchain technology to make it possible for mass adoption of the metaverse.

He said that the metaverse, just like cyberspace, is not a particular place.

Tran explained to Decrypt that the metaverse is a precursor of what we call the ambient web. It is an extension of today’s web that has been mapped to the real-world.

“The true utility will come from the users’
This sounds difficult and confusing to most people. It is difficult to understand what the ambient internet means in practice.

Peer is focused on creating the best possible consumer experience for blockchain technology, Tran explained. He explained that “we’ve figured how to use blockchain to make products which serve people better, and we’re beginning with a social networking.” “Ultimately, our goal is to transform the tech landscape for better in the near future.”

To interact with the ambient web, you will need new software, a new type of device, and an operating system that supports blockchain. This will allow regular people to access the metaverse.

Blockchain’s true potential is yet to be realized, Tran stated. “The real utility will come out of users, not developers.”

He said that blockchain has yet to experience the A-ha moment. “Developers are dictating right here because the tech has so much newness, but it’s not the correct development model. Computing has taught us one thing over the past 30 years: It is always about users.

Blockchain for the masses
Developers are too focused on either building decentralized apps ( Dapps), or building the blockchain. Instead of delivering simple user interfaces that allow consumers to tap into blockchain technology, this is part of the problem.

Tran stated that everyone is working to make the blockchain as secure, fast, and decentralized as possible. However, he said that this was not the right problem. It’s almost like asking why you are building high-speed highways with no cities.

Blockchain technology will not be accessible to the general public without an OS, Tran stated.

He stated that “Everything in Blockchain revolves around trading, tokens to FFTs.” We need to replicate the desktop experience for command line users, which was able to make blockchain accessible to everyone. We must hide the complexity of blockchain and open up possibilities for ordinary people to use it.

Where, when and what?
Peer’s roadmap includes reimagining hardware, software and advanced AI to bring about the future ambient computing.

Peer launched its mainnet for its high-speed cryptocurrency in March. This year’s first phase involves the creation of a visual architecture to represent the concepts of time and space in the metaverse.

Context is the missing link between online experiences and ambient computing.

Tran stated that Steve Jobs said often that humans create tools that increase our inherent abilities. He believed that a computer amplifies our minds by making it more efficient and faster. I realized that we could approach the user experience if we just understood what blockchain amplifies.

Peer’s innovative approach was born. Blockchain is seen as the “programmable equivalent to the physical world”, he explained. “Matter, Space, Time can be reduced to the essence of everything in the physical world. Web1 provided the data that gave rise to matter. Web2 provided us with space via maps. Web3 allows us to have time via blockchain. Combining them creates an ambient web in which data is mapped to physical world and has the properties of time.

When regular people are able to use the internet to communicate their physical reality, create content, and then easily add and remove information, the ambient web will be a leap to an environment. Tran stated that blockchain “amplify experience.”

Peer is creating a web3 social network platform to bring this idea to life. It will eliminate the linear social media feed concept in order to improve user experience. Instead of posting to a newsfeed that scrolls up and down, users will be able to create immutable content on blockchain that can be accessed at any time, past, present, or future.

Imagine being able navigate to the exact time and location of a photograph, such as a photo taken when you were a baby or at the child’s graduation.

Tran stated that people often think of ‘blockchain’ when they hear the word. It is a metaphysical operating system that allows you to create experiences. Blockchain as an Operating System, or BOS, for short. The BOS will allow the ambient web to be enabled, which will result in a new breed of devices that are not only shared, but also personal.

The ambiance for the ambient web
Although several prototypes have been developed by Peer, it can be hard to grasp the concept of an ambient internet.

Think of it this way: The web, as we know and use it today, is about digitizing a flat version the world so people can experience it via their devices. The ambient web will achieve the same thing, but in reverse.

Tran stated that rather than bringing cyberspace into the physical world, “we’re starting to map cyberspace directly onto the physical world.” It’s not immersion. You can stand still and strap your head to a device. Then drag your avatar around virtual space. But presence is where the web can inhabit that space. This is the metaverse.

This new architecture to experience the metaverse opens up a host new opportunities for blockchain-based business models, marketplaces, and digital content.

One example is that someone could create an NFT that requires users to visit a particular place to mine it. It would be possible to digitally navigate to the location via an app like Peer’s social app. However, the individual would need to visit the location to obtain the NFT and add it into their wallet.

You might want to sell a product/service that isn’t yet available but will at some point in the future, similar to a pork belly future. Tran stated, “I could put it up today,” and “get buyers to deposit in a smartcontract so that it will be available when it comes.”

An augmented reality experience could be created by a company that allows users to live-attend an event from the past.

Tran stated that Pepsi would like to revive the Pepsi Generation. Pepsi could create a new version of Michael Jackson on the streets and launch it exactly as it happened. It will allow people to rewind the timeline to see it as if 1983.

Similar to Google Street View, you can “roll back” a timeline in the future to see a specific scene recorded at a certain time and place.

A blockchain operating system would allow that to happen and eventually enable ubiquitous blockchain devices that can be used by everyone to experience the ambient web and take part in the metaverse.

Tran stated, “This is only the beginning of this technology.” “There is no ceiling.”

Peer will launch an initial coin exchange (ICX) crowd-sale format on June 27, on the Peer mainnet. The ICX framework is proof-based and requires product traction, IP traction and business diligence comparable to Silicon Valley startups. Visit to learn more.

Felipe Rodriguez

Felipe Rodriguez

Felipe states he has super powers, some argue that case but he does come up with some very clear predictions. Felipe is based in the US and frequently travels to Brazil where he was born. He is a journalist of the future and has a portfolio of crypto projects he has worked with. Felipe always says "The future doesn't scare me as much as the past, crypto is here to stay but only time will tell where it will take us".
Felipe Rodriguez

Felipe Rodriguez

Felipe states he has super powers, some argue that case but he does come up with some very clear predictions. Felipe is based in the US and frequently travels to Brazil where he was born. He is a journalist of the future and has a portfolio of crypto projects he has worked with. Felipe always says "The future doesn't scare me as much as the past, crypto is here to stay but only time will tell where it will take us".

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