In an attempt to silence an anonymous account on Twitter, Crypto lender Nexo issued a cease-and-desist letter.
This account, known in the third person as “Otter”, published a series of tweets June 26, claiming that Nexo’s founders had stolen funds for a charity. These tweets have been retweeted and liked thousands of times.
The Nexo website published two articles later that day — one a cease-and-desist letter directed at Twitter, and the other an blog post which seeks to refute some of Otter’s claims.
This exchange occurs at a time of tension for crypto lenders. Many large lending companies, including Celsius as well as Babel, have stopped withdrawing funds. BlockFi , a rival lender, received a $250 million bailout from FTX on June 21.
Nexo offers 18% interest rates on crypto holdings and claims to have served more than 4 million customers. According to its website, it has more than $12 billion in assets.